of Printed circuit boards

We manufacture printed circuit boards in accordance with IPC standards. The final inspection verifies the compliance of the printed circuit boards (IPC-A-600G class 2), which are then packaged and shipped to the customer.

Elgoline has integrated quality assurance for its products and environmental responsibility into its strategy. To this end, we are gradually implementing the principles of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 quality assurance standards.

The company holds a UL certification, ensuring our customers that products are made from high-quality materials verified by internationally certified laboratories (UL No. E312947).

We have our own chemical laboratory, and for certain analyses, we also use external certified service providers. In accordance with customer requirements, we can verify the physical and measurement properties of the boards in our physical laboratory and produce various reports on these findings.

In the production of printed circuit boards, we adhere to environmental regulations in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Slovenia. When selecting technologies, we consider their environmental impacts and make decisions in line with the European REACH and RoHS directives, opting for the most economical and environmentally friendly technologies.


At Elgoline d.o.o., we are committed to fulfilling the requirements and expectations of:

  • our customers
  • other interested parties with whom we have agreements regarding mutual compliance with quality and environmental commitments and
  • legislation and regulations
  • By providing quick delivery of prototypes and small series of rigid and flexible printed circuit boards, we aim to offer and supply our clients in various industries where printed circuit boards are used with quality products that, together with accompanying sales support, meet or exceed their requirements and expectations; this is our most important commitment
  • We consider customers’ environmental requirements
  • We comply with applicable legislation and regulations regarding product and service quality and the environment
  • We strive to strengthen and improve our position in selected markets (acquiring new customers, expanding the range of products for existing customers, etc.)
  • We aim to be ranked among the top-tier suppliers for our customers (approach of “zero complaints,” “zero delivery delays,” etc.)
  • We ensure compliance with commitments regarding product and service quality and the environment, which we have made through agreements with other interested parties (government, external suppliers, neighbors, individuals, etc.)
  • Commitment to compliance with environmental legislation
  • We inform external suppliers about their contribution to the overall quality of our products and services, as well as their contribution to environmental management
  • We are committed to fulfilling the agreed requirements for the quality management and environmental management system and to continuous improvements
  • We strive for the organized operation of the company as a whole, as well as for the organized, successful, and efficient operation of individual processes established within the quality management system
  • In individual processes, we carry out activities in ways that result in minimal, but primarily controlled, impacts on the environment (water, air, soil)
  • We are committed to environmental protection and pollution prevention
  • We maintain the quality management and environmental management system
  • Employees and external collaborators acting on our behalf are committed to appropriate training and continuous improvement of knowledge and experience regarding product, service, and process quality, as well as responsible environmental management
  • Employees and external collaborators acting on our behalf are aware of the importance of our actions and their contribution to the quality of products and services we offer on the market, as well as the potential impacts of our activities on the environment

We ensure the company’s good financial standing, thereby ensuring the ability to obtain resources that enable us to meet and exceed the requirements and expectations of our customers and other interested parties.

I communicate the Quality and Environmental Policy to other employees involved in the quality and environmental management system through regular internal communication. The Quality and Environmental Policy is also available to other interested parties.

In addition to myself, I also commit other internal and external collaborators involved in the implementation of the established quality and environmental management system to respect and implement the Quality and Environmental Policy.

Podskrajnik, 27.10.2023

Elgoline d.o.o.

Matjaž Levar

General Manager




The company’s environmental management system covers the overall management of the environmental aspects of production. It covers pollution prevention, responding to stakeholder expectations and requirements, meeting environmental legal requirements and other environmental requirements to which we have agreed.

ISO 14001 also effectively manages environmental risks and opportunities.

The production processes are optimized to save water and energy. Cooling water is collected and later reused in production. We use a sulfide precipitation process for heavy metals at the main wastewater treatment plant, which ensures a significantly lower residual concentration of heavy metals in the effluent than legally permitted. The waste galvanic sludge generated as a byproduct of water treatment is sent for metallurgical processing. The metals from the galvanic sludge can be reused and do not pollute the environment.

When planning and implementing production processes, we aim to minimise energy and water consumption.

We have a Waste Management Plan to reduce waste and its impact on the environment. Waste is managed by type, quantity and source. The Waste Management Plan includes existing and planned technical, organisational and other measures to minimise waste generation and adverse impacts on the environment and human health.

The manufacturing processes and materials are in compliance with the UL Directive (UL No. E312947). The UL Directive is monitored by inspection and testing in their authorised laboratories. Our products and manufacturing processes are also compliant with the European RoHS and REACH directives.

When we introduce new processes and technologies, we replace hazardous chemicals and production processes with safer and less harmful ones.


To achieve the highest standards, we obtained the ISO standards for the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 and the Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015 in 2017.
Since 2014, we have also held the UL certification, ensuring our customers that only high-quality and internationally certified materials are used in the production of printed circuit boards.
